Optional Team at AMKM 2025 Shine Bright Meet in Sparta, WI
Teams 3,4,5,6 all took 1st Place Team Awards.
Great Job Kipsters!
Level 9 - First ever Double Back off of Uneven Bars-Stuck It!
"Livin' the Dream: Vault, Bars, Beam and Floor - Trike On!"
Dane's New Book LAUNCHED!
BIG Lights on the Megatron!
(See details Below.)
My NEW book, Coach-Ability and The Tricycle Effect, is launched!
And we made the Amazon #1 New Release!
Here is the link: Amazon Link to Dane's NEW Coach-Ability Book Page
or https://coach.lmdc.us/coachable_book
Thank you!
Let’s Roll…Trike On!
Coach Dane:)
Did you know that besides young athletes,
Dane coaches adults too?
“The mission of Deutsch’s Gymnastics Training Center is to grow children physically, mentally, emotionally through the sport and movement of gymnastics by providing a safe and fun educational athletic environment to develop character, integrity and leadership skills for life.”
"Do or Do Not, there is no TRY!"
Yoda (Star Wars)
"You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness." - Zig Ziglar
The scary truth about what’s hurting our kids
This article is simply something you may want to think about and consider. As many of you know, I am an instructor at a university. I teach Cybertechnology Ethics. Here is a link worth taking the time to read concerning technology (smartphones) and our youth growing up in this digital age. I encourage you to take a few minutes to read this article and reflect on our children and the use of their smartphones: http://bit.ly/33BlOYk
"The Social Dilemma" Trailer
Dear Gymnastics Families, Athletes and Friends,
Today was a historical day to remember.
This space used to have our Facebook gadget displayed so you could easily interact with us on Social Media.
It is with great sorrow that we must report that we have removed Facebook icons and references as well as our Facebook gadget from our webpage.
Being a United States Air Force Officer (retired) with a long history of family that are veterans & law enforcement who served and are currently serving our country honorably, as of Jan 16, 2020, we had no choice but to delete our Facebook Business Page(s) and our Facebook Account.
It is now very obvious in our opinion (i.e.- factual evidence before & after the Presidential election) that Facebook does not support "Freedom of Speech" and is even working to censor and/or suppress our free speech as Americans and United States Citizens.
Furthermore, we also deleted our accounts on Twitter and Instagram, since it appears that they suppress our freedom of speech as well. We strongly encourage our customers, friends and families to consider deleting these social media accounts too.
We are working to find other social media platforms to communicate with you that do not, and will not, censor or suppress our free speech as Free Americans!
"On my Honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country...." - Boy Scouts of America (Coach Dane was an Eagle Scout and a Vigil Scout in the Order of the Arrow under the Boy Scouts of America.)
"I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."(Title 5 U.S. Code 3331) (This is the exact oath that Coach Dane took when he became a United Stated Air Force Officer in 1980.)
Kathy and Dane Deutsch
Coaches and Owners
We Accept New Students at Anytime!
(Subject to Availability)
Call Kathy today!
We're currently in our 35th year of serving the Rice Lake community & surrounding areas with professional gymnastics & club team!
Deutsch’s Gymnastics Training Center Mission Statement
“The mission of Deutsch’s Gymnastics Training Center is to grow children physically, mentally, emotionally through the sport and movement of gymnastics by providing a safe and fun educational athletic environment to develop character, integrity and leadership skills for life.”